How can Artificial Intelligence help prioritize particularly vulnerable patients?
Regional Hospital in Horsens, Central Jutland Region, Danish Life Science Cluster, Innovation Fund Denmark and Enversion Life Science Lab.

Every day, healthcare staff receive thousands of calls from citizens in need of help. Many of these must wait. Many don’t get the correct referral. And it’s no wonder. With an enormous pressure on triage and medical helplines, the most important thing is to take some kind of action. But on what basis is the decision taken? The spare information the patient provides over the phone? Or over mail?
+prioakut helps medical staff prioritize particularly vulnerable citizens as early as possible. Imagine having the optimal triage the first time you call with the need for help. Imagine having the possibility as a clinician to act proactively and give the right help right from the beginning. Imagine being able to minimize the risk of over-treatment. Imagine able to base triage decisions on the ENTIRE illness history and in only a few minutes of time.
”Being able to identify citizens and offer special help to those who are most at risk of illness is crucial in order to plan the best possible care trajectory. The effect is better the earlier in the course of the illness the identification occurs – and even better before any contact to the health sector is taken.”
- says Medical Director at Aarhus University Hospital, Jørgen Schøler Kristensen.
+prioakut a unique algorithm that uses Artificial Intelligence to - in an extremely short manner of time - get an overview of the individual patient’s entire health history AND of the illness history of all the patients alike. Actually, in the same way as the medical staff do it today, just faster and more thoroughly. No matter how competent a medical person is, he or she has no chance of reading the entire illness history of the individual patient in the time they have available for each patient. In fact, we dare say that no human being can assess the illness history of an entire human life and of the human lives alike this patient. Not even if he or she has the whole day available.
Because this is exactly what machines can do. They can assess and work out amounts of data larger than the human brain may ever be capable of. Period.
And now back to the present.
Imagine that you as a citizen call your general practitioner or the medical helpline because you get ill suddenly and need help right away. And you may not have had similar symptoms before.
+prioakut can with the use of your illness history and a specification of your current problems help the medical staff identify the appropriate place for you in the acute care system. In fact, it is possible to do a more optimal triage already at your first call and thus help you in the best and fastest possible manner. It can be in the hospital, at an acute nurse in your municipality or somewhere else. The most important thing is to have you placed correctly the first time to avoid improper treatment or over-treatment. At the same time, the medical staff will have more time for the patients who need it the most. Because we need individual treatment and, in particular, correct treatment.
”This is incredibly interesting and may have a huge impact on the length of admission time, our work environment and the patient experience – and it has further possibilities which we have not even seen yet. It has the potential to become really great.”
- Ulf Hørlyk, Head of the Emergency Department at Regionshospitalet Horsens.
When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bustling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity .
- Dale Carnegie
“The whole idea behind the CDSS (Clinical Decision Support System) project is to develop solutions that can be put into practice and as a matter of fact make a difference to both citizens and the medical staff. It will be interesting to see how +prioakut will contribute to this.
- Hanne Sveistrup Demant, Head Nurse at Regionshospitalet Horsens and Chair of the CDSS and Cross Path Projects’ Steering Committees.
With a healthcare sector under pressure to do more in less time there is no doubt that both patients and clinicians feel frustrated and to some extent inadequate. +prioakut is here to stay. To ease the workload. To assist the medical staff in making the correct decisions. Hence, the future looks bright. All of us will, at some point in our lives, be in touch with the healthcare system. And it must be a good, sound, and proper experience.
“We look forward to the move from research to real-life, and particularly now when the need for technical solutions to support the medical services is more profound than ever before,”
- says Jacob Høy Berthelsen, founder and CEO at Enversion.
As society we make sure that the particularly vulnerable citizens receive the right treatment first. It’s about seeing the whole picture and take advantage of the large amount of healthcare data available.
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